2018 Pillar Award Nominations

Posted: Feb 22, 2018

Every year during the banquet held Friday night at Convention, a special awards ceremony is dedicated to recognizing our student leaders. This year, we will be hosting a new awards ceremony, known as the Pillar Award. Within Student Councils, we know collaboration is essential to success. Every student brings something unique to their Council. This award is meant to recognize those students who go above and beyond, specifically within one of these four pillars: Leadership, Community Service, School Pride, and Dedication.

We would like to invite you to nominate one student from your Council for the Pillar Award. The student you nominate should demonstrate traits of one of the four pillars. Just like with the Reflections Award of past years, each school can only nominate one student to one pillar. Schools cannot nominate one student per pillar. Below you will find a link to the application, which contains the nomination form and an explanation of each of the pillars.

If you wish to nominate an outstanding student, please complete a nomination form. It includes a short statement (no more than three sentences) about your nominee, explaining why you have chosen to nominate him or her, and how he or she has contributed to your school council, your district, or the IASC within the pillar for which she or he is being. Please have your nomination postmarked by March 21, 2018, emailed to [email protected], or mailed to Midwest Central High School, c/o Mikalia Sauder, 910 S. Washington St., Manito, IL 61546.

Nomination Form: https://illinoisstuco.org/Content/Convention/2018PillarAward.pdf