17-18 Honor Council Applications

Posted: Oct 2, 2017

The IASC Honor Council Book program focuses on recognizing all of the hard work your council does throughout the school year. In order to be a part of this program, a council must create an “Honor Council Book” of all the activities and projects your council has done. A scorecard is used to grade the books at the annual IASC State Convention in May 2018. Student councils that participate, as well as the chairpersons who put the books together, will be recognized at the convention.

If you or your council is brand new to the Honor Council Program or has not compiled a book during the past three years, you can choose to participate in the Mini-Book program. This allows student councils to put together a smaller version of the Honor Council Book.

A council also has the option of creating an “E-Book” or a “Mini E-Book” which are both electronic versions of the Honor Council Book and Mini Book. This form of the book is all created on the computer and then handed in on a flash drive to be judged at the state convention.

The Honor Council Program is a great way to recognize your strengths and any weaknesses in your council, along with seeking improvement in your school’s student council program. Upon submitting your application, additional information on completing your book will be sent from the IASC Secretary.